Hopefully you’ve already got your tickets in your pocket and your accommodation booked. The 2013 Bedside Critical Care Conference is only a few weeks away and with a great educational program and a full, free Intensive Care Trainee update day, it’s a conference not to miss.
I’ve been asked to run the Cricothyroidotomy Workshop on Day 3 and rather than take up precious minutes talking, I’ve flipped the classroom and recorded the pre-discussion into this podcast below so that when you get to the workshop we can get straight into hands-on practice.
- Roberts and Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 6th ed.
- NAP-4 Audit - http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/nap4
- NAP-4 summary review: http://www.anesthesiologynews.com/download/NAP4_ANGAM12_WM.pdf
- Difficult Airway Society algorithms - http://www.das.uk.com/guidelines/downloads.html
- The Vortex approach - http://vortexapproach.com/Vortex_Approach/Vortex.html
- The Cric-Con approach to cricothyroidotomy readiness on EM Crit - http://emcrit.org/wee/bougie-prepass-and-criccon/
- Traditional surgical cricothyroidotomy eMedicine video: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1830008-overview#aw2aab6b4
- Bougie-Aided Cricothyrotomy by Darren Braude - http://emcrit.org/procedures/bougie-aided-cric/
- Ultrasound Assisted Cricothyrotomy: UltrasoundPodcast.com - http://www.ultrasoundpodcast.com/2012/01/episode-19-full-cric/
- Needle cricothyroidotomy eMedicine video: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1830008-overview#aw2aab6b4
- EM Crit: Podcast 53 – Needle versus Knife, Part I - http://emcrit.org/podcasts/cricothyrotomy-needle-or-knife/
- EM Crit: Podcast 62 – Needle versus Knife, Part II - http://emcrit.org/podcasts/needle-finger-thoracostomy/
- NAP-4 Audit - http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/nap4
- The Bougie-Aided Cricothyrotomy. Darren Braude, Heather Webb, Jennifer Stafford, Paula Stulce, Lauri Montanez, George Kennedy. Air Medical Journal. Volume 28, Issue 4 , Pages 191-194, July 2009. http://www.airmedicaljournal.com/article/S1067-991X%2809%2900037-6/abstract
- Cricothyrotomy technique using gum elastic bougie is faster than standard technique: a study of emergency medicine residents and medical students in an animal lab. Hill C, Reardon R, Joing S, Falvey D, Miner J. Acad Emerg Med. 2010;17(6):666 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20491685
- Ultrasound-guided, Bougie-assisted cricothyroidotomy: a description of a novel technique in cadaveric models. Curtis K, Ahern M, Dawson M, Mallin M. Acad Emerg Med. 2012 Jul;19(7):876-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2012.01391.x. Epub 2012 Jun 22. - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22724582
- Andy Neill's paper on performing an emergency cricothyroidotomy using a ball-point pen: Observational cadaveric study of emergency bystander cricothyroidotomy with a ballpoint pen by untrained junior doctors and medical students. Andrew Neill, Philip Anderson. Emerg Med J 2013;30:308-311 doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-201317. - http://emj.bmj.com/content/30/4/308.short