Bathtubs, Veins and the Control of Cardiac Output
For those of you in London…
Prof Sheldon Magder will be giving a talk at St George’s Hospital TONIGHT on the 9th December at 6:00 pm in Board room 2.8 (second floor in Hunter Wing)
This event has been organised by Dr Maurizio Cecconi and Dr David Treacher of the LICG.
This will include:
- A physiological approach to volume resuscitation
- What makes the blood go around
- Understand the limits of the systems capacity to respond
- Emphasis on the importance of the interaction of the hear and circuit in the control of cardiac output
- Implications for patient management
Sheldon Magder is a Professor of Medicine and Physiology at McGill University and a Senior Physician at the McGill University Health Centre. He graduated from the University of Toronto and did his residency there in internal medicine and cardiology. He subsequently to research Fellowships in Stockholm Sweden and Stanford University in California. He is currently director of the McGill Clinical Research Fellowship program.
He has had a long standing interest in Heart-lung interactions and the control of cardiac output. He has emphasized the importance of the use of central venous pressure and cardiac output to better manage the use of fluids. His studies have been both in animal models and human subjects. His basic research has included studies on the role of the endothelium in the sepsis-induced abnormalities of vascular dysfunction. This has included studies on the cellular signalling responses to nitric oxide, oxygen radicals and oestrogen. More recently he has begun studies on muscle function in the critically ill. He also has an ongoing interest in acid-base balance and fluid and electrolyte management.
RSVP here
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