+ Reversing DOAC’s Oliver Flower, 02/08/1603/08/16, Clinical Resources, Apixaban, bleeding, Dabigatran, doac, drug, Eliquis, Haemorrhage, noac, Pradaxa, rivaroxiban, Xarelto, 0
+ The Statistics of Diagnostic Tests Matthew Mac Partlin, 19/05/1420/05/14, Evidence, EXPLAINED, Fellowship Exam, Primary Exam, Semantic sMatter, false negative, false positive, likelihood ratio, negative predictive value, positive predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, statistics, type 1 error, type 2 error, 0
+ Echo Case 7 Oliver Flower, 26/11/1328/04/14, Echo, Echo Cases, ICN Video, Video, case, Echo, transthoracic, TTE, 0