+ Raw Science 11: Pulmonary Perfusion Steve Morgan, 25/08/1728/08/17, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, acute lung injury, endothelium, glycocalyx, haemodynamics, PA pressure, pulmonary perfusion, pulmonary vascular resistance, PVR, 0
+ Raw Science 10: Pulmonary Diffusion Steve Morgan, 27/10/1627/10/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, diffusing capacity, diffusion, diffusion limitation, DLCO, Ficks law, Graham's law, pulmonary function test, 0
+ Raw Science 9: Carbon Dioxide & Dead Space Kate Reynolds, 15/08/1615/08/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, Bohr, carbon dioxide, Dead space, Fowler, hypercapnia, hypercarbia, V/Q ratio, ventilation, 0
+ Raw Science 8: Adaptation & Alveoli Kate Reynolds, 19/05/1619/05/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, alveolar gas equation, alveoli, basic science, diffusion, gas exchange, lung, perfusion, ventilation, 0
+ Raw Science 7: The Oxygen Cascade Step 2b Kate Reynolds, 28/04/1628/04/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, airways resistance, compliance, elastance, friction, Gas flow, La Place, laws, resistance, surface tension, work of breathing, 0
+ You Do the Math(s) 6: Measurement and Calibration Kate Reynolds, 07/04/1605/04/16, Basic Science Clinic, Crit Think, accuracy, basic science, calibration, error, Fourier analysis, measurement, precision, signal to noise, sine waves, zero, zeroing, 0
+ Raw Science 6: The Oxygen Cascade Step 2a Kate Reynolds, 17/03/1615/03/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, flow, FRC, gas, laminar, oxygen, Poiseuille, pressure, resistance, Reynold's number, turbulent, ventilation, 0
+ You Do the Math(s) 5: Logarithms and Exponentials Kate Reynolds, 03/03/1602/03/16, Basic Science Clinic, Crit Think, Euler, exponent, Exponentials, growth and decay, logarithms, logs, rate constant, time constant, wash in, wash out, 0
+ You Do the Math(s) 4: The Calculus Kate Reynolds, 04/02/1618/02/16, Basic Science Clinic, Crit Think, area under the curve, AUC, calculus, compliance, crit think, differentiation, gradient, integration, Leibniz, mathematics, Newton, 0
+ Basic Science Clinic- Raw Science 5: Oxygen Cascade Step 1 Kate Reynolds, 04/02/1619/07/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, gas, humidification, humidity, latent heat, oxygen cascade, physiology, pressure, resp, respiratory, vapour, water, 0
+ Raw Science: Resp Phys 4 – The Gas Laws Kate Reynolds, 28/01/1619/07/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, basic science, Boyle, Charles, Gas laws, Gases, Guy-Lussac, partial pressure, physics, physiology, pressure, raw science, respiratory, science, temperature, volume, 0
+ You Do The Math(s) 3 Mathematical Relationships Kate Reynolds, 21/01/1619/07/16, Basic Science Clinic, Crit Think, basic science, crit think, flow, functions, graphs, hyperbola, laminar flow, mathematics, models, parabola, podcast, science, turbulent flow, variables, 0
+ Resp Phys 3: Atmospheric Gases Kate Reynolds, 14/01/1614/01/16, Basic Science Clinic, Basic Science Clinic, Podcasts, Raw Science, atmosphere, gas, Gases, morgan, oxygen, physics, physiology, podcast, raw, raw science, resp, respiratory, science, steve morgan, stratosphere, 0
+ Crit Think: You Do the Maths 2 Oliver Flower, 07/01/1619/07/16, Basic Science Clinic, Crit Think, connolly, crit think, critical thinking, einstein, heuristics, math, mathematics, maths, morgan, science, sophie connolly, steve morgan, 0
+ Raw Science: Resp Phys 2 – How Oxygen? Oliver Flower, 31/12/1531/12/15, Basic Science Clinic, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, morgan, oxygen, physiology, podcast, raw, raw science, resp, respiratory, science, steve morgan, 0