+ EXPLAINED: Practical, short, how-to crit care videos Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN NSW, ICN Video, Video, afoi, Airway, anatomy, awake, c-mac, caesarian, cmac, cric, cricothyroidotomy, escharotomy, explained, fibre, intubation, laryngoscopy, larynx, lma, nutrition, optic, pacing, perimortem, section, swan, tracheostomy, videos, vls, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Emergency Escharotomy Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, bcc, bedside, burn, burns, care, craig, critical, emergency, escharotomy, explained, hore, trauma, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Anatomy of the Surgical Airway Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, Airway, anatomy, bcc, bedside, care, critical, ent, explained, intubation, laryngeal, laryngoscopy, larynx, surgeon, surgical, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, afoi, Airway, bcc, bedside, care, critical, explained, intubation, laryngeal, laryngoscopy, lma, mask, tube, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Topicalisation of the Airway Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, afoi, Airway, awake, bcc, bedside, c, care, critical, explained, intubation, laryngoscopy, lignocaine, local, topicalisation, tube, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: C Mac Video Laryngoscope Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, Airway, bcc, bedside, c, care, cmac, critical, explained, intubation, laryngoscope, laryngoscopy, mac, storz, tube, vassiliadis, video, vls, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Cricothyroidotomy Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, Airway, bcc, bedside, care, cric, cricothyroidotomy, critical, emergency, explained, intubation, tube, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Awake Fibre Optic Intubation in 3 minutes Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, afoi, Airway, awake, bcc, bedside, care, critical, explained, fiber, fibre, intubation, optic, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Parenteral Nutrition by Roger Harris Oliver Flower, 04/07/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, bcc, bedside, care, critical, explained, feeding, harris, nutrition, parenteral, pn, roger, swan, video, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Pacing Pulmonary Artery Catheters Oliver Flower, 04/07/1421/10/15, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, arrhythmia, artery, bcc, bedside, care, catheter, critical, explained, flower, oli, pac, pace, pacing, pulmonary, swan, video, 0
+ The Statistics of Diagnostic Tests Matthew Mac Partlin, 19/05/1420/05/14, Evidence, EXPLAINED, Fellowship Exam, Primary Exam, Semantic sMatter, false negative, false positive, likelihood ratio, negative predictive value, positive predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, statistics, type 1 error, type 2 error, 0
+ EXPLAINED: Flower on Perc Trache’s Oliver Flower, 04/05/1404/07/14, EXPLAINED, ICN Video, Video, bcc, bedside, care, critical, explained, flower, oli, perc, percutaneous, trache, tracheostomy, video, 0