Crit Think
You Do the Math(s) 2
Maths & Science
“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality.”
– Albert Einstein
Welcome to the second podcast in the Crit Think series from the Basic Science Clinic. Remember, this is about stimulating insights into the machinations of your mind to assist able deployment of the knowledge you are rapidly assembling, to be a better scientist. Having discussed the evolution of mathematics and the concept of number in our first podcast, we move now to examine the relationship of maths and science. The debatable definition of maths as a science is one thing, but its contribution to science in its performance and explication, and also in informing the development of the method itself, is unquestionable and worthy of acknowledgement.
Addressing a subject that entire degrees are dedicated to escaped the confines of our usual length, but we hope you can hang in there with us. Continuing our trend of celebrating the inner geek, we couldn’t resist delving deep into the mathematical origins and historical path of the scientific method to illuminate the intellectual inventory of evidence based medicine as we use it today. Thanks for coming back for more.
In this pod we’ll cover:
- What is science and does maths qualify?
- What is the scientific method?
- How did the method develop and where does maths fit in?
Word of the Day:
Pulchritudinous: Having great physical beauty.