Calling all Victorian doctors, nurses, paramedics, physiotherapists, dieticians, pharmacists and beyond! You are invited to the 2015 Critical Care Collaborative (CCC), Victoria’s only critical care inter-professional event on 8 May 2015, jointly organised by ANZICS & ACCCN.
Building on the popularity of the annual ACCCN Victoria symposium, this single-day program features a range of topics that reflect the “real-life” inter-professional aspects of critical care practice.
CCC 2015 will be thought-provoking, relevant to current Victorian critical care practice and most importantly – affordable! There will even be an enjoyable cocktail night for those who are so inclined.
CCC 2015 is 6.5 hours of highly concentrated nursing and medical continuing professional development (CPD), relevant to those both new to critical care or highly experienced, covering both paediatric and adult intensive care. Featuring all your favourite Intensive Care Doctors and Nurses including Frank Shann, Antony Tobin, Andrew Hilton, Judy Currey, David Pilcher, Daryl Jones, Nigel Fealy and Michelle Topple.
CCC 2015 also provides an opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from other units in a relaxed and welcoming environment. The organising committee is particularly keen on engaging those who have never been to an ACCCN/ANZICS event with a special ‘bring-a-friend’ rate.
Please check out the program here: Critical Care Collaborative 2015
Posted by – Dr Sarah Yong (CICM Victorian trainee representative & CCC 2015 co-convener), Dr Tim Byrne (CCC 2015 medical co-convener), Dr Cameron Knott (CCC 2015 medical co-convener), on behalf of the ACCCN/ANZICS CCC2015 convening committee.