Module Lessons
- 01: Introduction to FCUS by Justin Bowra
- 2: Ultrasound Physics for FCUS by Lewis Macken
- 3: Knobology & Image Optimisation for FCUS by Justin Bowra
- 4: FCUS Getting Started – Qs, Windows, Anatomy by Justin Bowra
- 5: IVC Ultrasound by Justin Bowra
- 6: Ultrasound and Advanced Life Support by Justin Bowra
- 7: Pericardial Tamponade by Justin Bowra
- 8: Taking Echo to the Next Level by Sharon Kay
- 9: Pitfalls in Critical Care Ultrasound by Justin Bowra
- 10: Ultrasound Assessment of the Right Heart by Sharon Kay
- 11: Focused Ultrasound for the Shocked Patient by Justin Bowra