+ Lewis, Anthony — ‘Can’t Ventilate, No Hospital’ Oliver Flower, 17/12/1420/01/15, SMACC Gold, Airway, anthony, hems, laryngoscopy, lewis, planning, prehospital, success, surgical airway, 0
+ Blood, but not as we know it: blood substitutes by Holley Peak Distapan, 18/11/1418/11/14, SMACC Gold, anthony, bleeding, blood, blood bank, haemoglobin, holley, packed cells, platelets, south africa, substitutes, 0
+ ARISE Study JICS Hangout Oliver Flower, 15/11/1415/11/14, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, JICS, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, Sepsis, anthony, arise, care, carley, delaney, directed, early, egdt, goal, ICN, intensive, jics, network, sepsis, septic, simon, therapy, 0
+ Delaney on Stats and Trials Stuff Grace Leo, 12/05/1412/05/14, Advice, Tips, Pitfalls, BCC, Education, ICN Activities, Podcasts, Research Resources, anthony, bcc4, bedside critical care, delaney, ICN, intensive care, statistics, stats, stuff, trials, 0
+ ProCESS: Delaney’s take Oliver Flower, 03/04/1406/05/14, Emergency Medicine, Evidence, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Sepsis, anthony, arise, carley, clinical, delaney, lin, michelle, nejm, process, sepsis, simon, trial, 1
+ TBI in the Real World by Delaney Oliver Flower, 05/02/1405/08/14, BCC, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Trauma Podcasts, anthony, bcc4, bedside critical care conference, delaney, ICP, intracranial pressure monitoring, pre-hospital intubation, research, tbi, traumatic brain injury, update, 0
+ Alvolar Recruitment: Tzannes Grace Leo, 15/01/1413/08/14, Airway, BCC, ICN, Podcasts, Respiratory, alveolar recruitment, alveoli, anthony, bcc4, bedside critical care, ICN, respiratory, tzannes, 0