+ First Among Equals: A Tribute to Dr John Hinds Kate Reynolds, 05/09/1607/09/16, Education, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, SMACCDub, Trauma Podcasts, acheson, anders perner, bike, brian burns, death, dublin, hinds, janet, john hinds, macsorley, motorbike, motorsports, smaccdub, tribute, 0
+ “There’s a Hole in My Bucket” The Exsanguinating Patient Kate Reynolds, 12/04/1612/04/16, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, Prehospital, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, bleeding, brian burns, derek sifford, Dr Clare Richmond, Dr Gareth Grier, Dr Howie Mell, Dr Thomas Dolven, NREMT-P, pharm, trauma, 1