+ Cartner, Michaela— Cardiac Surgery… then Cardiac Arrest Oliver Flower, 23/12/1420/01/15, SMACC Gold, arrest, cardiac massage, cardiac surgery, cardiothoracics, cartner, code, cpr, cracking chest, inotropes, michaela, 0
+ RAGE Podcast Oliver Flower, 28/12/1330/04/14, Articles, journals and books, Education, Emergency Medicine, Evidence, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Websites, awesome, cartner, everything, guide, harbig, johnston, nickson, podcast, rage, reid, resuscitationist's, smacc, 0
+ Cartner – Mass Casualties and Real Disasters Oliver Flower, 09/12/1301/05/14, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, SMACC 2013, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, Trauma Podcasts, 2013, cartner, disaster, FOAMed, mass, prehospital, smacc, smacc1, trauma, 0
+ 74. Cartner on Environmental Heat Stress Oliver Flower, 27/05/1330/04/14, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Metabolic, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, bcc, bcc3, cartner, environmental, heat, stress, stroke, 0
+ 40. Cartner on Dialysis Oliver Flower, 05/11/1214/05/14, GI / Renal, ICN, ICU, Metabolic, Podcasts, cartner, crrt, dialysis, failure, injury, kidney, renal, replacement, therapy, 0