+ My bloody head: Diagnosis and management of coagulopathy and traumatic brain injury by Associate Professor Samuel Galvagno smacc, 11/09/1903/09/19, CICM ASM 2019, CICM ASM 2019, coagulopathy, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ JICS cast April 2014 Grace Leo, 05/01/1505/01/15, JICS, Podcasts, 2014, april, coagulopathy, day, jics, jicscast, olusanya, patienttransfers, 0
+ Adaptation: The Body’s Response to Trauma by Brohi Peak Distapan, 22/09/1423/09/14, SMACC Gold, adaptation, brohi, coagulopathy, inflammation, karim, sepsis, trauma, vasopressors, 0
+ Damage Control in Trauma by Brohi Oliver Flower, 13/08/1415/08/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, bleeding, brohi, coagulopathy, control, damage, Haemorrhage, haemostasis, karim, rescuscitation, trauma, 0
+ Not all bleeding stops: acute coagulopathy of trauma by Brohi Peak Distapan, 06/08/1407/08/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, bleeding, brohi, coagulopathy, fluid, karim, resuscitation, trauma, 0
+ Coagulopathy: NEJM Critical Care Challenge Case 7 ANSWER Lachlan Donaldson, 24/03/1407/08/14, Case Of The Month, clinical cases, ICN Activities, NEJM CCC, coagulopathy, DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation, HITs, inr, 0
+ Coagulopathy: NEJM Critical Care Challenge Case 7 Lachlan Donaldson, 24/02/1407/08/14, Case Of The Month, clinical cases, ICN Activities, NEJM CCC, APTT, bleeding, coagulopathy, DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation, HITs, inr, 0
+ SMACC: Hurn on TEG/ROTEM in the Real World Grace Leo, 12/10/1329/05/14, Cardiac, Emergency Medicine, Haematology, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, Trauma Podcasts, bleeding, coagulopathy, hurn, rotem, teg, transfusion, trauma, 0
+ SMACC: Holley – Transfusion and Coagulopathy Lily Foster, 06/09/1329/05/14, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, Haematology, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, Trauma Podcasts, blood, coagulopathy, holley, transfusion, 0