+ SMACCMini: The art of induction – how not lose them in the first 15 minutes / Intubating sick kids – small holes, big problems smacc, 18/02/1918/02/19, dasSMACC, children, induction, intubation, 0
+ Leisurely Laryngoscopy: Best Practice Technique for Airway Success smacc, 02/05/1702/05/17, SMACCDub, Airway, airway management, endotracheal intubation, gum elastic bougie, induction, intubation, jaw thrust, laryngoscope, laryngoscopy, paralysis, paralytic, rapid sequence intubation, smaccdub, suction, video laryngoscopy, 0
+ Critical Care Airway Management: McManus BCC4 Grace Leo, 10/02/1415/08/14, Airway, Anaesthetics, BCC, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Podcasts, airway management, airways, bcc4, bedside critical care, critical care, ICN, induction, McManus, 0
+ Modified RSI: Farrell Grace Leo, 17/01/1415/08/14, Airway, Anaesthetics, BCC, Podcasts, anaesthetics, bcc4, claire, farrell, induction, modified, rapid, sequence, 0