+ Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R’S – Rest Kate Claringbould, 01/01/2019/12/19, Medical Career and Wellbeing, SMACC19, anaesthesia, burnout, critical care, deprivation, emergency medicine, health, hygiene, nap, patient's, performance, Practioner wellbeing, quality, quantity, rest, satisfaction, Sleep, sleep habits, teamwork, Wellbeing, work life balance, 0
+ Raging Hormones and the Critically Ill – Jeremy Cohen Kate Reynolds, 18/05/1618/05/16, Podcasts, Sepsis, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, Trauma Podcasts, clinical decision rules, doborah stein, missed injuries, patient's, risk benifit determination, smacc, smaccCHICAGO, territory trauma survey, trauma, trauma providers, 0
+ Trauma is Risky Business – Deborah Stein Kate Reynolds, 17/05/1617/05/16, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, clinical decision rules, doborah stein, missed injuries, patient's, risk benifit determination, smacc, smaccCHICAGO, territory trauma survey, trauma, trauma providers, 0
+ Mitchell, Imogen — Through the Patient’s Eyes Oliver Flower, 02/01/1520/01/15, SMACC Gold, bedside, caring, cleveland, compassion, emotion, explanation, eyes, imogen, manner, mitchell, patient, patient experience, patient's, smacc, treatment, 0