+ Raw Science 7: The Oxygen Cascade Step 2b Kate Reynolds, 28/04/1628/04/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, airways resistance, compliance, elastance, friction, Gas flow, La Place, laws, resistance, surface tension, work of breathing, 0
+ Raw Science 6: The Oxygen Cascade Step 2a Kate Reynolds, 17/03/1615/03/16, Basic Science Clinic, Raw Science, flow, FRC, gas, laminar, oxygen, Poiseuille, pressure, resistance, Reynold's number, turbulent, ventilation, 0
+ The antibiotic arms race: Getting the launch codes right. Peak Distapan, 05/11/1405/11/14, SMACC Gold, antibiotic, antimicrobial, arms race, broad spectrum, cephalosporin, jeff, lipman, mrsa, penicillin, resistance, vre, 0
+ The Dying Traveller by McGloughlin Oliver Flower, 22/07/1401/08/14, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Microbiology, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Sepsis, SMACC Gold, disease, dying, exotic, infectious disease, mcgloughlin, pandemic, resistance, steve, TB, traveller, 0