+ SAS 2023 – 28th October 2023, Sydney Jon Gatward, 16/08/2316/08/23, Airway, Anaesthetics, Clinical Critical Care, Education and Communication, Emergency Medicine, Event, General Crit Care, ICU, Medical Career and Wellbeing, Medical Innovation, Promotion, Resuscitation, Airway, anaesthesia, awake intubation, debriefing, education, emergency, intensive care, resuscitation, simulation, symposium, teamwork, tracheostomy, unrecognised oesophageal intubation, videolaryngoscopy, 0
+ How to team Maria, 26/02/2026/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, SMACC19, follow, Leadership, safety, team, teaming, teamwork, 0
+ High Performance Teams: The Secrets of Success Maria, 20/01/2016/01/20, Education & Communication, SMACC19, Contagion, psychological safety, teamwork, 0
+ Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R’S – Rest Kate Claringbould, 01/01/2019/12/19, Medical Career and Wellbeing, SMACC19, anaesthesia, burnout, critical care, deprivation, emergency medicine, health, hygiene, nap, patient's, performance, Practioner wellbeing, quality, quantity, rest, satisfaction, Sleep, sleep habits, teamwork, Wellbeing, work life balance, 0
+ Making ECPR Happen Kate Reynolds, 19/10/1618/10/16, Podcasts, cardiac arrest, cpr, ecmo, protocol development, resuscitation, simulation, smaccdub, teamwork, 0
+ PK: Multidisciplinary Teamwork for Bariatric Retrievals Oliver Flower, 08/05/1301/05/14, ICN Video, Pecha Kucha, Pecha Kuchas, Video, bariatric, fat, retrieval, team, teamwork, 0