+ Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R’S – Reinvigorate Kate Claringbould, 04/01/2019/12/19, Medical Career and Wellbeing, anaesthesia, burnout, critical care, Emergency medince, hems, Reflection, Wellbeing, 0
+ Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R’S – Reflect Kate Claringbould, 02/01/2019/12/19, Medical Career and Wellbeing, burnout, critical care, emergency medicine, life lessons, prehospital, reflections, Wellbeing, wisdom, 0
+ Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R’S – Rest Kate Claringbould, 01/01/2019/12/19, Medical Career and Wellbeing, SMACC19, anaesthesia, burnout, critical care, deprivation, emergency medicine, health, hygiene, nap, patient's, performance, Practioner wellbeing, quality, quantity, rest, satisfaction, Sleep, sleep habits, teamwork, Wellbeing, work life balance, 0
+ Performing Arts and Medicine: Brindley interviews Khairil Musa Maria, 18/12/1909/12/19, Career & Wellbeing, SMACC19, bereavement, dance, intensive care, music, Pacific Island Playlist, Wellbeing, work life balance, 0