Nepean ICU has a solid reputation for training, research and ultrasound and in the second half of this year they will be churning out some top notch courses. These guys will be hosting four, yes FOUR, courses to boost your critical care skills at their Intensive Care Education & Training centre (ICET), covering point of care ultrasound, mechanical ventilation and everything nephrological. If you just want a thorough grounding in the basics of core aspects of ICU care, then sign up for the Basic Assessment & Support course.
For more information, or to register for any or all of these courses, contact ICET here.
The 2-day NCCU course will have hands-on practice in small groups with live models and will cover:
- Basic cardiac ultrasound
- Vascular ultrasound
- Ultrasound-guided procedures
- Lung and pleural ultrasound
- Abdominal ultrasound
The 2-day Basic Assessment and Support Intensive Care course will cover:
- Assessment of the seriously ill patient
- Respiratory failure
- Haemodynamic monitoring
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Oliguria and acute renal failure
- Fluids
- Transport of the critically ill patient
- Sepsis
- Trauma
- Neurological emergencies
The Beyond Basic: Mechanical Ventilation course will cover:
- Respiratory physiology
- Heart-lung interaction
- Respiratory failure
- Everything you could want to know about various forms of assisted ventilation
- Tracheostomy
- Weaning
- Extubation
- Respiratory monitoring
- Specific pathologies: ARDS, single lung disease and obstructive airways disease
The 1.5-day Beyond Basic: Nephrology course will cover:
- Acute kidney injury and sepsis
- Rhabdomyolysis
- HD and SLED
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Chronic renal failure
- Drug dosing in renal failure
Could you want any more?? …. Of course you could, you’re a learning machine; but you might want to take a little break first.