Saturday 28th October 2023
Kolling Institute, Sydney
SAS 2023
Don’t miss this all day airway event!
The morning sessions
SAS 2023 starts with three interactive plenary sessions and a keynote presentation from Dr Victoria Brazil – Emergency Physician, QLD. The details of the plenary sessions are being finalised, but will include discussions on routine videolaryngoscopy, unrecognised oesophageal intubation, learning from airway events and much more. This will be delivered by from a stellar interprofessional, international expert faculty including Louise Ellard, Andrew Robinson, Tim Cook, David Storey, Nick Chrimes and David Brewster.
The afternoon sessions
In the afternoon we will be running an ambitious and comprehensive range of airway simulations and workshops as outlined below:
Simulation – Managing Airway Emergencies: these inter-professional scenario-based sessions will focus on the technical and non-technical skills required to deliver optimum airway management in a range of contexts.
Awake Tracheal Intubation: This workshop covers the skills and decision making needed to improve performance and confidence during awake tracheal intubation. Technical skills, topicalisation, sedation and oxygenation are covered.
Preventing Unrecognised Oesophageal Intubation: This workshop provides hands on practice with the decision making and practical skills relevant to the international consensus guidelines for preventing oesophageal intubation.
Neck Rescue – Recognising and Managing “Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate” Situations: This workshop will help practitioners identify and confidently manage “can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate” situations. Scalpel and cannula techniques for “neck rescue” are taught and then practiced in a scenario simulating the stress of these infrequent events. This workshop is recognised as a CPD Emergency Response Activity by the Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
Hyperangulated Videolaryngoscopy Skills and Safe Apnoea Time: The first half of this 2 part practical workshop will cover best practice and skills training with hyperangulated videolaryngoscopes. The second half provides hands-on conparison of a variety of pre-oxygenation and apnoeic oxygenation techniques to understand what works and what doesn’t to extend safe apnoea time during airway management
Nasendoscopy Masterclass and Conversion of Supraglottic Airway to Tracheal Tube: The first part of this workshop will provide hands-on practice to help you integrate nasendoscopy into your airway assessment process both within and outside the operating room. The second part will provide demonstration and practical skills training of various techniques (including use of the Aintree Catheter) to intubate via a supraglottic airway – an essential skill for teams in and out of the operating theatre.
Tracheostomy Emergencies and Managing Extubation in At-Risk Airways: Split into two parts this discussion and skill-based workshop will first cover the management of tracheostomy/laryngectomy emergencies. The second part will perform a deep-dive into the when, where & how of extubating patients with known difficult airways, looking at the guidelines, equipment and skills needed to safely extubate patients with at-risk airways.
COST (including catering)
SAS Member Fees: Non-medical: $300 | Medical Trainee: $500 | Medical Consultant: $900
SAS Non-Member Fees: Non-medical: $345 | Medical Trainee: $545 | Medical Consultant: $990