+ Acute liver failure: NEJM Critical Care Challenge Case 5 ANSWER Lachlan Donaldson, 19/01/1407/08/14, Case Of The Month, clinical cases, ICN Activities, NEJM CCC, Acetaminophen, acetylecystine, acute liver failure, inr, paracetamol, 0
+ SMACC: Buckley – Paracetamol: More Than Meets The Eye Grace Leo, 04/11/1301/05/14, Emergency Medicine, GI / Renal, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, Toxicology, Acetaminophen, paracetamol, poisoning, toxic, toxicology, 0
+ 26. Fever: Friend or foe in Sepsis, and does paracetamol help? Oliver Flower, 11/08/1201/05/14, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Microbiology, Podcasts, Sepsis, Acetaminophen, fever, heat, paracetamol, paul, sepsis, young, 0