+ Paed-Iconoclasm: Breaking the Myths without Breaking Your Patient Kate Reynolds, 14/03/1714/03/17, Podcasts, California, dogma, dogmalysis, emergency medicine, Harbor-UCLA, Horeczko, Myths, paediatrics, pediatrics, PEM, smaccdub, tim, Tim Horeczko, USA, 0
+ Spotting the sick child Kate Reynolds, 13/03/1714/10/16, Podcasts, acute illness, childhood, cognitive overload, Paediatric emergencies, paediatric emergency medicine, paediatric physiology, PEM, psychology, smaccdub, spotting the sick child, type 1 thinking, type 2 thinking, 0
+ Spotting the sick child smacc, 10/03/1710/03/17, SMACCDub, acute illness, childhood, cognitive overload, Paediatric emergencies, paediatric emergency medicine, paediatric physiology, PEM, psychology, smaccdub, spotting the sick child, type 1 thinking, type 2 thinking, 0