+ SMACC: The Final Challenge smacc, 08/05/1710/05/17, SMACCDub, challenge, competition, crm, edutainment, final, flower, game show, harris, nickson, procedures, quiz, smaccdub, 0
+ Don’t DSI…Rapid Sequence Airway (RSA)! smacc, 04/05/1708/05/17, SMACCDub, Airway, extraglottic, hypoxemia, intubation, RSI, smaccdub, supraglottic, 0
+ Anyone Can Intubate, or Not: Teaching airway skills the antifragile way smacc, 03/05/1702/05/17, SMACCDub, airway education, airway management, airway skills, competence, education, intubation, smaccdub, 0
+ DAS Guidelines Explained smacc, 02/05/1702/05/17, SMACCDub, airway management, airways, DAS Guidelines, smaccdub, 0
+ Leisurely Laryngoscopy: Best Practice Technique for Airway Success smacc, 02/05/1702/05/17, SMACCDub, Airway, airway management, endotracheal intubation, gum elastic bougie, induction, intubation, jaw thrust, laryngoscope, laryngoscopy, paralysis, paralytic, rapid sequence intubation, smaccdub, suction, video laryngoscopy, 0
+ The Greatest Presentation in the World… Tribute smacc, 25/04/1725/04/17, SMACCDub, ffolliet, p cubed, presentation, presentationskills, smaccdub, 0
+ The FemInEM Story smacc, 23/04/1720/04/17, SMACCDub, equality, feminism, gender, Medicine, smaccdub, women, 0
+ How Medical Students Can Choreograph Their Own Education smacc, 22/04/1720/04/17, SMACCDub, continious medical education, debriefing, deliberate practice, educational theory, FOAMed, making experts, medical education, Medical Simulation, Peer to Peer teaching, performance, smaccdub, 0
+ Playing the Long Game: Commitment, marginal gains and self-compassion smacc, 21/04/1720/04/17, SMACCDub, Coaching, development, medical education, smaccdub, sports psychology, training, 0
+ Going Wild: Lessons from Wilderness Medicine smacc, 20/04/1720/04/17, SMACCDub, austere, disaster, extreme, improvisation, physiology, pragmatic, remote, self-sufficiency, smaccdub, wilderness, wilderness medicine, 0
+ Oh s**t, they’re bombing our hospital! Is this a new paradigm for war? smacc, 12/04/1712/04/17, SMACCDub, #NotATarget, Afghanistan MSF Hospital, Doctors without Borders, Kunduz, Kunduz Hospital, Kunduz Hospital Airstrike, Kunduz Hospital Attack, Kunduz Hospital Bombing, Kunduz Trauma Centre, Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF, MSF hospital bombing, smaccdub, Syria Hospital Attacks, Syria hospital bombing, Targeting Hospitals, Yemen hospital attacks, Yemen hospital bombings, 0
+ The Aorta Will %$#@!& You Up smacc, 07/04/1707/04/17, SMACCDub, Aortic dissection DDimer Treatment Controversies, smaccdub, 0
+ Teamwork: The strongest drug in the hospital Kate Reynolds, 03/04/1704/04/17, Podcasts, smaccdub, Teamwor; Crisis Resource Management; Communication; Practical strategies, 0
+ Life after sepsis – is it worth living? Kate Reynolds, 30/03/1731/03/17, Podcasts, Sepsis; Outcomes; Morbidity; Critical Care; Intensive Care, smaccdub, 0
+ Remembering Rory: Sepsis and Learning from Error Kate Reynolds, 29/03/1728/03/17, Podcasts, medical error, pediatric sepsis, Rory Staunton, sepsis, smaccdub, 0