+ SMACC: The Final Challenge smacc, 08/05/1710/05/17, SMACCDub, challenge, competition, crm, edutainment, final, flower, game show, harris, nickson, procedures, quiz, smaccdub, 0
+ Punk Rock, Top Gun and the Resus Room Oliver Flower, 13/08/1415/08/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, checklists, deniz, emergency medicine, fighter, pilot, procedures, punk rock, resus, tek, top gun, 0
+ Ultrasound for Invasive Procedures Oliver Flower, 31/07/1431/07/14, Cardiac, Echo Guide, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICN NSW, ICN Video, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Ultrasound, Video, central line, cvc, effusion, george, ICN, icnnsw, nicola, nsw, pleural, probe, procedures, sin, stanley, tamponade, ultrasound, us, uss, 0