+ Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R’S – Rest Kate Claringbould, 01/01/2019/12/19, Medical Career and Wellbeing, SMACC19, anaesthesia, burnout, critical care, deprivation, emergency medicine, health, hygiene, nap, patient's, performance, Practioner wellbeing, quality, quantity, rest, satisfaction, Sleep, sleep habits, teamwork, Wellbeing, work life balance, 0
+ Voices in my Head smacc, 03/04/1803/04/18, dasSMACC, failure, Medicine, mindfulness, performance, resuscitation, Self-compassion, 0
+ How Medical Students Can Choreograph Their Own Education smacc, 22/04/1720/04/17, SMACCDub, continious medical education, debriefing, deliberate practice, educational theory, FOAMed, making experts, medical education, Medical Simulation, Peer to Peer teaching, performance, smaccdub, 0