+ ICU Clinical Q&A Peak Distapan, 08/12/1408/12/14, SMACC Gold, clinical, icu, lipman, mitchell, myburg, philpot, q&a, raper, scenario, 0
+ Talking at the Death by Philpot Oliver Flower, 27/08/1428/08/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, ACD, communication, MET team, NFR, palliative care, philpot, steve, talking at the death, terminal illness, 0
+ ICN Victoria: Philpot on Organ Donation Register Grace Leo, 02/07/1419/08/14, ICN Activities, ICN VIC, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Regional Networks, Transplant, care, donation, end, life, organ, palliation, philpot, registry, steve philpot, unit, vin, 0
+ What is possible, what is reasonable, what is best? Oliver Flower, 21/05/1401/08/14, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC Gold, Uncategorized, advanced directive, anderson, best, brazil, crowe, death, discussion, end of life, palliation, panel, philpot, plenary, possible, raper, reasonable, 0