+ Post Resus Care in Paediatric ICU Oliver Flower, 29/07/1929/07/19, Paeds, Resuscitation, care, icu, intensive, paediatric, picu, resuscitation, westmead, 0
+ Pulmonary Artery Catheters: PAC traps for young snake charmers Alice Young, 20/10/1520/10/15, Cardiac, clinical cases, General Crit Care, ICN, ICU, ICU Radiology Cases, SMACC Gold, cardiac, care, case, critical, education, harris, ICN, icu, intensive, intensive care, pac, pulmonary artery, Radiology, raper, smacc, SMACC GOLD, smaccGOLD, swan ganz, 0
+ Paul Young on SPLIT, HEAT and Platform Trials Oliver Flower, 19/10/1519/10/15, Evidence, ICN, ICU, Metabolic, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Sepsis, care, esicm, flower, heat, ICN, intensive, intensivecarenetwork.oli flower, new zealand, oli, paul, platform, research, split, young, 0
+ Religion and Critical Care Oliver Flower, 08/10/1515/10/15, ICN, ICN Video, Video, care, coping, critical, critical care, crowe, doctors, hope, intensive care, Liz, liz crowe, paediatrics, religion, smacc, smaccus, social work, stress, 0
+ Feeding in ICU: A Trickle or a Torrent? Oliver Flower, 27/08/1510/09/15, ICN, ICN Video, Video, autophagy, care, cart, criticl, early, eden, energy, enteral, epanic, key, metabolic, nutrition, parentral, pn, protein, REE, requirements, starvation, ticacos, trial, words, 1
+ Plan B – from CCAM Oliver Flower, 18/08/1518/08/15, ICN Video, Promotion, Video, Website, afoi, Airway, airway management, berman, care, ccam, critical, emergency, fibre optic, foi, gatward, intubation, laryngoscope, lma, management, plan b, ventilation, 0
+ Plan A – from CCAM Oliver Flower, 11/08/1511/08/15, ICN Video, Promotion, Video, Website, Airway, airway management, care, ccam, critical, emergency, gatward, intubation, laryngoscope, management, plan a, ventilation, 0
+ HIV and ICU Oliver Flower, 07/07/1508/07/15, ICN NZ, Microbiology, Podcasts, aids, auckland, care, disease, hiv, ICN, infectious, intensive, mark, nz, thomas, 0
+ LAUNCH: Critical Care Horizons Oliver Flower, 23/06/1523/06/15, Promotion, Reviews, Website, Websites, care, cch, critical, evidence, foam, free, horizon, horizons, macsweeney, reviews, rob, website, 0
+ Myburgh Fluids 2015 Oliver Flower, 08/05/1508/05/15, Emergency Medicine, GI / Renal, ICN, ICN NSW, ICU, Metabolic, Podcasts, Regional Networks, Resuscitation, Sepsis, 6s, anzics, care, ctg, flower, fluids, ICN, icnnsw, intensive, john, myburgh, network, nsw, plasmalyte, saline, sepsis, split, starch, voluven, 0
+ Intensive Palliative Care PK Oliver Flower, 24/03/1524/03/15, ICN, ICN NSW, ICN Video, ICU, Miscellaneous, Pecha Kucha, Pecha Kuchas, Podcasts, Video, care, comfort, death, end, ICN, intenisve, intensivecarenetwork, kucha, life, pall, pall care, palliative, palliative care, pecha, pecha Kucha, pk, talk, 0
+ ECMO in NZ by McGuinness Oliver Flower, 21/03/1521/03/15, Anaesthetics, Cardiac, ICN, ICN NZ, ICU, Podcasts, Regional Networks, Resuscitation, anzics, anzicsnz, bevan, care, corporeal, ecmo, extra, ICN, intensive, mcguinness, membrane, network, new, nz, oxygenation, zealand, 0
+ ICU Courses & Events in Australasia Oliver Flower, 25/02/1525/02/15, Course, Event, Promotion, Website, care, CICM, college, course, courses, icu, intensive, nsw, 0
+ Post Oesophagectomy Management PK Oliver Flower, 12/02/1512/02/15, ICN, ICN NSW, ICN Video, Miscellaneous, Pecha Kucha, Pecha Kuchas, Podcasts, Video, arora, care, complications, crit, critical, esophagectomy, esophagus, GI, ICN, icnnsw, intensive, intensivecarenetwork, kucha, major, nsw, oesophagectomy, oesophagus, pecha, pk, sumesh, surgery, Upper, 2
+ Emcrit on Cricothyroid Membrane Alice Young, 10/02/1510/02/15, Airway, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, SMACC Gold Video, Video, Airway, care, chicago, cric, cricothyroid, crit, critical, emcrit, emergency, membrane, scott, smacc, smaccGOLD, surgical, weingart, workshop, 1