+ Peter Brindley interrogates: Reuben Strayer smacc, 30/04/1830/04/18, dasSMACC, Bellomo, brindley, crowe, interrogates, machado, strayer, weingart, 0
+ Emergent Intubation Resequenced- Scott Weingart Kate Reynolds, 05/04/1604/04/16, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, Respiratory, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, Airway, emcrit, emergency, intubation, modern, rapid sequence induction, rapid sequence intubation, resequenced, RSI, up to date, weingart, 0
+ Sepsis SMACCdown Peak Distapan, 04/11/1504/11/15, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Microbiology, Podcasts, Sepsis, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, Video, emcrit, finfer, flavia machado, John Myburgh, Kathryn Maitland, machado, Maitland, marik, Mervyn Singer, myburgh, nickson, panel, panel discussion, Paul Marik, scott weingart, sepsis, Simon Finfer, Singer, surviving sepsis, weingart, 0
+ SMACC interview: Weingart Oliver Flower, 07/08/1507/08/15, Conferences, Podcasts, Promotion, SMACC Chicago, interview, weingart, 0
+ FLASHBACK FRIDAY Alice Young, 22/05/1521/05/15, Conferences, Emergency Medicine, Event, General Crit Care, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Promotion, Regional Networks, SMACC 2013, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, Website, cadogan, carley, chicago, fbf, flashback, flower, friday, gold, ICN, intensive, le cong, lex, network, nickson, panel, smacc, social media, weingart, young, 0
+ Emcrit on Cricothyroid Membrane Alice Young, 10/02/1510/02/15, Airway, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, SMACC Gold Video, Video, Airway, care, chicago, cric, cricothyroid, crit, critical, emcrit, emergency, membrane, scott, smacc, smaccGOLD, surgical, weingart, workshop, 1
+ Airway Clinical Q&A Peak Distapan, 15/12/1415/12/14, SMACC Gold, Airway, burp, checklists, cricoid, Hind, levitan, may, neil, q&a, surgical, twitter, weingart, 0
+ Delaney on ARISE Study, EMCRIT and Dogmalysis Oliver Flower, 10/10/1413/10/14, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Sepsis, arise, delaney, dogma.dogmalysis, emcrit, evidence, nejm, sepsis, study, weingart, 6
+ Surgical Airway by Weingart Peak Distapan, 22/08/1427/08/14, Airway, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, SMACC Gold, Airway, cricothroidotomy, cricothyrotomy, cut to air, scott, surgical, weingart, 1
+ Awake Intubation the EMCrit Way Peak Distapan, 07/08/1407/08/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, Airway, awake, emcrit, intubation, scott, weingart, 0
+ Weingart – Sepsis in New York: Our first 15,000 patients Oliver Flower, 24/07/1401/08/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, goal-directed therapy, lactate, meta-analysis, new york, proCESS trial, protocols, scott, sepsis, triage, weingart, 0
+ Scott Weingart Cutting Edge Intra-Arrest Care Peak Distapan, 27/05/1428/05/14, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC Gold, SMACC Gold Video, advanced, als, cutting, edge, life, resuscitation, support, weingart, 1
+ TTM: The story continues to unfold… Oliver Flower, 09/12/1330/04/14, Cardiac, Evidence, ICN, ICU, Neuro, Resuscitation, bernard, cooling, emcrit, oohca, scott, steve, ttm, weingart, 0
+ SMACC: Weingart on Thoracotomy Grace Leo, 26/11/1315/08/14, Cardiac, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, SMACC 2013, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, FOAMed, resuscitationist, smacc13, smaccmedia, thoracotomy, weingart, 0
+ SMACC: Weingart – The Mind of the Resuscitationist Grace Leo, 22/09/1301/05/14, Career, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Prehospital, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, Trauma Podcasts, education, emcrit, learning, master, mind, resuscitation, training, trauma, weingart, 0