+ FLASHBACK FRIDAY Alice Young, 22/05/1521/05/15, Conferences, Emergency Medicine, Event, General Crit Care, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Promotion, Regional Networks, SMACC 2013, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, Website, cadogan, carley, chicago, fbf, flashback, flower, friday, gold, ICN, intensive, le cong, lex, network, nickson, panel, smacc, social media, weingart, young, 0
+ SMACC: LEX – From Hippocrates to Osler to FOAM Oliver Flower, 19/08/1329/05/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Prehospital, SMACC 2013 Videos, SMACC1, foam, hippocrates, history, lex, Medicine, osler, philosophy, 0
+ SMACC: Joe Lex – 45 Years on the Frontline Lily Foster, 14/08/1301/05/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, army, emergency, history, joe, lex, vietnam, war, 1
+ SMACC: Joe Lex – An Old Dog Learning New Tricks Lily Foster, 13/08/1329/05/14, Education, Emergency Medicine, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, army, emergency, history, joe, lex, media, social, some, vietnam, war, 1
+ SMACC: Social Media Road Map Video Oliver Flower, 08/08/1301/05/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Prehospital, SMACC 2013 Videos, SMACC1, Video, brazil, cadogan, carley, discussion, forum, holley, le cong, lex, media, nickson, quality, roadmap, social, some, 0
+ SMACC: Lex – Hippocrates to Osler to FOAM Oliver Flower, 08/08/1321/05/14, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, SMACC 2013 Videos, SMACC1, foam, hippocrates, history, lex, Medicine, osler, philosophy, 0
+ SMACC: The Social Media Q&A Panel Oliver Flower, 28/07/1321/05/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Prehospital, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, cadogan, carley, discussion, flower, le cong, lex, media, nickson, panel, socail, weingart, 0