+ Real world outcomes from TBI Kate Claringbould, 22/02/2017/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Neuro, SMACC19, tbi, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Common Radiology Trauma Misses Kate Claringbould, 19/02/2017/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, SMACC19, Trauma, common injuries, CT, ct scan, diaphragmatic injury, pelvic bleeding, Radiology, sternal fracture, survey, trauma, wood foreign body, 0
+ Healthcare and Gun Violence: Kings Against Violence Kate Claringbould, 30/12/1918/12/19, Community Advocacy, SMACC19, advocacy, Assault, conflict, emergency medicine, Guns, public health, trauma, violence, 0
+ Trauma by remote by Professor Chad Ball smacc, 08/08/1902/08/19, CICM ASM 2019, CICM ASM 2019, trauma, 0
+ SMACCForce: Code crimson-marginal gains to save a life by Wolfgang Voelckel smacc, 29/08/1812/10/18, dasSMACC, assessment, damage control, Fluid resuscitation, haemorrhagic shock, haemostatic resuscitation, hypotensive resuscitation, physiologic response, trauma, vasopressor drugs, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 6: Traumatic Brain Injury Oliver Flower, 02/08/1830/07/18, Paeds, basu, brain trauma foundation, btf, critical care, festa, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, shree, tbi, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Prehospital Care: The Future is Now by Brian Burns smacc, 19/03/1819/03/18, dasSMACC, future, medtech, prehospital, resuscitation, trauma, 0
+ How I manage Traumatic Brain Injury smacc, 14/12/1714/12/17, CICM ASM 2017, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Talking about talking about dying with Dr Steve Philpot, Master of Communication smacc, 27/11/1726/11/17, ICN Jellybean, CICM, Iraq, trauma, War zone, 0
+ College of Intensive Care Medicine x Jellybean – number 3 in a special series of 4 co-branded episodes smacc, 22/08/1722/08/17, ICN Jellybean, Baragwanath, CICM, research, sepsis, trauma, 0
+ Hospital Handover of Major Trauma – Make them Listen smacc, 29/03/1729/03/17, SMACCDub, ambulance, emergency, Handover, Paramedic, Patient handover, smaccdub, trauma, 0
+ Neurosurgeons aren’t idiots, honestly Kate Reynolds, 21/03/1714/03/17, Podcasts, decompressive crainectomy, neurocritical care, neurosurgery, smaccdub, trauma, traumatic brain injury, workplace culture, 0
+ Prehospital Doctors Debate – PRO: Anthony Holley, CON: Dr Marietjie “MJ” Slabbert smacc, 11/02/1709/02/17, SMACCDub, EMS, interventions, prehospital, smaccdub, training, trauma, 0
+ It is time to throw away the hard cervical collar – PRO: Darren Braude, CON: Karim Brohi smacc, 10/02/1710/02/17, SMACCDub, Cervical spine immobilization, controversy, debate, smaccdub, spinal motion restriciton, spinal protection, trauma, 0