+ PIVARES Oliver Flower, 23/07/2023/07/20, CICM - Paediatrics, Paediatric Exam, Website, ards, icu, paediatric, paeds, picu, PIVARES, ventilation, 0
+ Paediatric Constipation Maria, 12/12/1909/12/19, Clinical Crit Care, SMACC19, Ano-rectal malformation, Bowel history, bowel motion, constipation, Hirschsprung Disease, paediatric, 0
+ Delirium and Withdrawal in the Paediatric ICU Oliver Flower, 29/07/1929/07/19, Paeds, clinical, delirium, intensive care, paediatric, pharmacology, picu, westmead, withdrawal, 0
+ Post Resus Care in Paediatric ICU Oliver Flower, 29/07/1929/07/19, Paeds, Resuscitation, care, icu, intensive, paediatric, picu, resuscitation, westmead, 0
+ Paediatric Cardiac ICU Part 3: The Single Ventricle Oliver Flower, 02/01/1902/01/19, Cardiac, Paeds, cardiac, cardiothoracic, chd, Congenital Heart Disease, hypoplastic left heart, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, single ventricle, 0
+ Paediatric ICU for the adult intensivist by Dr Peta Alexander smacc, 24/08/1824/08/18, CICM ASM 2018, CICM ASM 2018, icu, paediatric, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 6: Traumatic Brain Injury Oliver Flower, 02/08/1830/07/18, Paeds, basu, brain trauma foundation, btf, critical care, festa, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, shree, tbi, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 5: Sepsis Oliver Flower, 01/08/1830/07/18, Paeds, Sepsis, antibiotics, basu, ecmo, festa, infection, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, sepsis, sepsis3, shock, shree, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 4: The Shocked Neonate Oliver Flower, 31/07/1831/07/18, ECMO, ICN, Paeds, Sepsis, Congenital Heart Disease, intensive care, neonate, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, picu, podcast, resuscitation, sepsis, shock, shocked, 0
+ Paediatric Cardiac ICU Part 3: The Single Ventricle Oliver Flower, 30/07/1830/07/18, Cardiac, Paeds, cardiac, cardiothoracic, chd, Congenital Heart Disease, hypoplastic left heart, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, single ventricle, 0
+ Paediatric Cardiac ICU Part 2: Post Op Management Oliver Flower, 19/04/1830/07/18, Cardiac, Paeds, cardiac, cardiothoracic, chd, Congenital Heart Disease, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, 0
+ Paediatric ICU BASIC Course Oliver Flower, 16/07/1516/07/15, basic, course, newcastle, paediatric, paeds, 0
+ Levitan, Richard — Alien Airways: Neonates and Small Children Oliver Flower, 22/12/1420/01/15, SMACC Gold, Airway, children, direct, laryngoscopy, levitan, lma, paediatric, richard, 0
+ The Crystal Ball for Little People by Matt Dawson Peak Distapan, 20/11/1425/11/14, SMACC Gold, access, bedside, dawson, intubation, lung ultrasound, matt, paediatric, procedural, risk, ultrasound, vascular, 0