+ SAS 2023 – 28th October 2023, Sydney Jon Gatward, 16/08/2316/08/23, Airway, Anaesthetics, Clinical Critical Care, Education and Communication, Emergency Medicine, Event, General Crit Care, ICU, Medical Career and Wellbeing, Medical Innovation, Promotion, Resuscitation, Airway, anaesthesia, awake intubation, debriefing, education, emergency, intensive care, resuscitation, simulation, symposium, teamwork, tracheostomy, unrecognised oesophageal intubation, videolaryngoscopy, 0
+ Back-end sepsis: de-escalating & de-resuscitating Kate Claringbould, 20/02/2017/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Sepsis, SMACC19, back-end sepsis, critical care, hospital, intensive care, post-sepsis, rde-escalation, re-resuscitation, rehab, rehabilitation, sepsis, sirs, 0
+ Is less best in critical care? Kate Claringbould, 10/02/2006/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Clinical Critical Care, Ethics, SMACC19, critical care, decision making, dialysis, ecmo, Ethics, haemodynamics, icu, intensive care, less, less is best, numerology, over-treatment, physiological fallacy, physiology, reductionism, reductionism vs numerology, technology, 0
+ Unravelling Grief and Loss Kate Claringbould, 09/02/2006/02/20, Career & Wellbeing, Communication, SMACC19, coping, death, grief, icu, intensive care, loss, sit in the rubble, 0
+ Muscle wasting in ICU: Fat, Feed and Futility Kate Claringbould, 05/02/2005/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, SMACC19, CIAW, CIW, critical illness associated weakness, critical illness weakness, fat, Futility, icu, intensive care, muscle wasting, myopathy, neuropathy, nutrition, 0
+ Managing Risk & Cognitive Bias to Enable Innovation Kate Claringbould, 22/12/1919/12/19, Medical Innovation, Medical Innovation, SMACC19, anaesthesia, Cognitive Bias, critical care, emergency medicine, Extreme Sport, healthcare, High Performance teams, Innovation, intensive care, Medicine, Risk Management, science, 0
+ Performing Arts and Medicine: Brindley interviews Khairil Musa Maria, 18/12/1909/12/19, Career & Wellbeing, SMACC19, bereavement, dance, intensive care, music, Pacific Island Playlist, Wellbeing, work life balance, 0
+ Delirium and Withdrawal in the Paediatric ICU Oliver Flower, 29/07/1929/07/19, Paeds, clinical, delirium, intensive care, paediatric, pharmacology, picu, westmead, withdrawal, 0
+ Paediatric Cardiac ICU Part 3: The Single Ventricle Oliver Flower, 02/01/1902/01/19, Cardiac, Paeds, cardiac, cardiothoracic, chd, Congenital Heart Disease, hypoplastic left heart, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, single ventricle, 0
+ ICN QLD Event – Dr Dani Howe on “Care is never limited, only treatment” Alice Young, 12/10/1812/10/18, CICM, education, ICN, icn qld, ICN QLD Team, icnqld, icu, intensive care, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 6: Traumatic Brain Injury Oliver Flower, 02/08/1830/07/18, Paeds, basu, brain trauma foundation, btf, critical care, festa, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, shree, tbi, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 5: Sepsis Oliver Flower, 01/08/1830/07/18, Paeds, Sepsis, antibiotics, basu, ecmo, festa, infection, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, sepsis, sepsis3, shock, shree, 0
+ Paediatric ICU Part 4: The Shocked Neonate Oliver Flower, 31/07/1831/07/18, ECMO, ICN, Paeds, Sepsis, Congenital Heart Disease, intensive care, neonate, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, picu, podcast, resuscitation, sepsis, shock, shocked, 0
+ Paediatric Cardiac ICU Part 3: The Single Ventricle Oliver Flower, 30/07/1830/07/18, Cardiac, Paeds, cardiac, cardiothoracic, chd, Congenital Heart Disease, hypoplastic left heart, intensive care, paediatric, paeds, PCICU, podcast, single ventricle, 0
+ Outcomes After ICU Oliver Flower, 19/04/1819/04/18, ICN WA, Patient Outcomes, Regional Networks, anstey, ICN, icnwa, icu, intensive care, outcomes, perth, 0