+ Brindley and Gatward on Real World Airway Management Oliver Flower, 13/02/1713/02/17, Airway, Anaesthetics, ICN, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Airway, airway management, airways, brindey, flower, gatward, icu, intensive care, intubation, oli flower, operating theatre, podcast, 2
+ Q&A: The Future of CME Kate Reynolds, 21/06/1620/06/16, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, brazil, gatward, heart, Panel Review, q&a, smacc chicago, The Future Continued Medical Education, 0
+ Plan B – from CCAM Oliver Flower, 18/08/1518/08/15, ICN Video, Promotion, Video, Website, afoi, Airway, airway management, berman, care, ccam, critical, emergency, fibre optic, foi, gatward, intubation, laryngoscope, lma, management, plan b, ventilation, 0
+ CCAM Course Oliver Flower, 11/08/1511/08/15, Airway, ccam, course, critical care, difficult airway, gatward, intubation, ketaminh, levitan, minh, 0
+ Plan A – from CCAM Oliver Flower, 11/08/1511/08/15, ICN Video, Promotion, Video, Website, Airway, airway management, care, ccam, critical, emergency, gatward, intubation, laryngoscope, management, plan a, ventilation, 0
+ Yellowstone Courses pre-SMACC: Airway Oliver Flower, 29/01/1529/01/15, Course, Promotion, Airway, chicago, course, flower, gatward, harris, intubation, levitan, nickson, smacc, yellowstone, 1
+ Critical Care Airway Management Course Jon Gatward, 29/01/1529/01/15, Event, Promotion, Website, Airway, care, ccam, course, critical, difficult, flower, fogg, gatward, harris, intubation, jackson, le cong, lees, macken, management, minh, pharm, simulation, sparks, sydney, vassiliadis, wolfe, 1
+ Education Q&A Peak Distapan, 10/12/1410/12/14, SMACC Gold, Bilgrami, brazil, education, gatward, panel, q&a, rogers, Roland, twitter, westafer, 0
+ Gadgets and Simuation by Gatward Peak Distapan, 04/11/1405/11/14, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Prehospital, SMACC Gold, arrest, gadgets, gatward, in-situ, jon, learning, mannequin, sim, simulation, smaccGOLD, teaching, 0
+ Gatward on Liver Transplantation Grace Leo, 11/04/1430/04/14, GI / Renal, ICN, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, bcc4, bedside critical care conference, gatward, hepatology, icu, jon gatward, liver, transplantation, 0
+ Preventing Airway Complications Grace Leo, 15/02/1419/08/14, Airway, BCC, ICU, Podcasts, airway management, algorithms, bcc4, gatward, jon gatward, jonathan, patient management, plan man, prevention, risk, risk man, 0
+ Gatward: Guerilla Sim Oliver Flower, 07/01/1430/04/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Simulation, SMACC1, Training Resources, Uncategorized, audio, gatward, guerilla, jon, sim, siumlation, slides, 0
+ 45: Gatward on ALS Update Oliver Flower, 18/11/1214/05/14, Airway, Anaesthetics, Cardiac, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICN Video, ICU, Podcasts, Resuscitation, Video, advanced, alive, als, gatward, life, resuscitation, staying, support, update, 1