+ Finfer: The Dark Side of Research Oliver Flower, 17/09/1418/07/16, Evidence, ICN, ICN NSW, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, dark, finfer, hospital, ICN, icnnsw, light, north, nsw, publication, research, rnsh, royal, shore, side, simon, 3
+ Brain Death Terminology Change Oliver Flower, 28/08/1428/08/14, Promotion, Website, bd, brain, dcd, dcdd, death, dndd, donation, hospital, north, organ, raper, ray, rnsh, royal, shore, 1
+ A Renal Night Double Bill Oliver Flower, 27/08/1428/08/14, ICN Activities, ICN Event Listing, anzics, CICM, citrate, dialysis, Gallagher, gattas, hospital, icnnsw, north, nsw, renal, rnsh, royal, shore, 0
+ Finfer at ICN NSW: 07.08.14. RNSH Oliver Flower, 28/07/1428/07/14, ICN NSW, Podcasts, Uncategorized, dark, finfer, hospital, ICN, icnnsw, light, north, nsw, publication, research, rnsh, royal, shore, side, simon, 0
+ Triumph Over Trauma by Brohi Oliver Flower, 11/06/1401/08/14, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, SMACC Gold, SMACC Gold Video, Trauma Podcasts, brohi, haemostasis, hems, housekeeping, karim, Leadership, london, pelvic, reboa, royal, systems, trauma, 0
+ Nutrition at the Royal Adelaide Hospital: How we do it Oliver Flower, 19/03/1204/05/14, GI / Renal, ICN, ICU, Metabolic, Podcasts, adelaide, chapman, feeding, nutrition, rah, royal, 0