+ Ketamine: How to Use it Fearlessly For All its Indications by Strayer Kate Reynolds, 03/12/1506/12/15, Anaesthetics, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, Video, anaesthetic, analgesia, chicago, dissociative, emergency, intensivecarenetwork.oli flower, ketamine, pain, reuben, smacc, smaccus, strayer, trauma, 0
+ Opioids – Pain, Compassion, Addiction, Malingering Oliver Flower, 16/10/1519/10/15, Uncategorized, abuse, addiction, analgesia, chronic pain, misuse, opiate, opioid, oxycontin, pain, prescription epidemic, 1
+ Pain and Suffering in the ED Oliver Flower, 11/06/1401/08/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, analgesia, beardsell, chronic, compassion, emergency, Iain, ian, mother, pain, pathos, reid, suffering, tears, 0
+ PK: Emergencies in Palliative Care Oliver Flower, 08/05/1301/05/14, ICN Video, Pecha Kucha, Pecha Kuchas, Video, analgesia, care, death, emergencies, pall, palliation, palliative, 0