+ Follow up after Critical Care Maria, 05/03/2026/02/20, SMACC19, ICU follow-up, Marketing clinical trials, Neuro ICU, 0
+ Neuro ICU – ICH: Reversal of anticoagulation (PATCH trial, NOACs, TPA) smacc, 31/10/1830/10/18, dasSMACC, ich, Neuro ICU, 0
+ Neuro ICU: TBI: Using physiology as a target by Brandon Foreman smacc, 25/10/1825/10/18, dasSMACC, Neuro ICU, physiology, tbi, 0
+ MASH Celia Bradford, 23/11/1523/11/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Paper not to miss, Reviews, critical care, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, Journal Club, literature, magnesium, neuro, Neuro ICU, subarachnoid, subarachnoid haemorrhage, TBL, The Bottom Line, vasospasm, 0
+ EPO-TBI Celia Bradford, 09/11/1509/11/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Paper not to miss, Reviews, critical care, erythropoietin, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, Journal Club, literature, neuro, Neuro ICU, TBL, The Bottom Line, The Lancet, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Bloody Anticoagulants Oliver Flower, 02/09/1527/09/15, ICN, ICN Video, Video, anticoagulant-associated intracerebral haemorrhage, Apixaban, critical care, Dabigatran, Deep Venous Thrombosis, Eliquis, ich, icu, Neuro ICU, New Oral Anticoagulants, Pradaxa, Pulmonary Haemorrhage, Rivaroxaban, Xarelto, 0