+ EM Year in Review smacc, 17/01/1717/01/17, SMACCDub, critical appraisal, cutting edge, emergency medicine, literature, publishing, science, smaccdub, updates, 0
+ MULLET Trial: The Mulled Wine versus Normal Saline Evaluation Trial for Rehydration in The Critical Care Setting Celia Bradford, 22/12/1522/12/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Paper not to miss, Reviews, alcohol, critical care, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, fluid, fluid management, Fluid resuscitation, Journal Club, literature, mulled wine, normal saline, outcomes, TBL, The Bottom Line, 0
+ The Elderly after ICU Admission Celia Bradford, 26/11/1526/11/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Paper not to miss, Reviews, critical care, elderly, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, Journal Club, literature, outcomes, patient outcomes, Quality over Quantity, TBL, The Bottom Line, 0
+ MASH Celia Bradford, 23/11/1523/11/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Paper not to miss, Reviews, critical care, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, Journal Club, literature, magnesium, neuro, Neuro ICU, subarachnoid, subarachnoid haemorrhage, TBL, The Bottom Line, vasospasm, 0
+ EPO-TBI Celia Bradford, 09/11/1509/11/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Paper not to miss, Reviews, critical care, erythropoietin, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, Journal Club, literature, neuro, Neuro ICU, TBL, The Bottom Line, The Lancet, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ 3 Sites Trial – Is your preferred CVC site backed by the evidence? – The Bottom Line Celia Bradford, 02/11/1502/11/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Microbiology, Paper not to miss, Reviews, Ultrasound, 3sites trial, central line associated bacteremia, central venous line, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, Journal Club, literature, microbiology, TBL, The Bottom Line, ultrasound, 0
+ FELLOW trial (is this the end of apnoeic oxygenation?)- The Bottom Line Celia Bradford, 19/10/1519/10/15, Articles, journals and books, Game Changing Evidence, ICN Activities, Reviews, Apneic oxygenation, Apnoeic oxygenation, evidence, Evidence Based Medicine, FELLOW, FELLOW trial, Journal Club, literature, TBL, The Bottom Line, 0
+ Crit Care Reviews: Best of Rest 2013 Oliver Flower, 08/04/1406/05/14, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, Evidence, ICU, Podcasts, 2013, best, care, icu, intensive, journals, literature, mac, macsweeney, nickson, precordialthump, rest, review, rob, smacc, smaccGOLD, sweeney, 0
+ SMACC: Michelle Johnston – Lessons from the Classics Lily Foster, 20/08/1329/05/14, Anaesthetics, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, classics, johnston, literature, michelle, 0