+ Fascinating neuro scans – classic CT brain pathology Kate Claringbould, 15/02/2006/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Neuro, SMACC19, anatomy, brain, CNS, CT, DAI, diffuse axonal injury, herniation syndromes, hydrocephalus, Hypertension, hypoxic brain injury, hypoxic ischaemic injury, ich, intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular haemorrhage, radiologist, Radiology, SDH, stroke, Subdural, sulci, tbi, traumatic brain injury, ventricles, 0
+ Neuro ICU – ICH: Reversal of anticoagulation (PATCH trial, NOACs, TPA) smacc, 31/10/1830/10/18, dasSMACC, ich, Neuro ICU, 0
+ Transfusion Thresholds in Acute Brain Injury smacc, 15/03/1720/03/17, SMACCDub, blood, haemoglobin, hb, ich, neuro, neurosurgery, SAH, smaccdub, subarachnoid haemorrhage, tbi, transfusion, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Controversies in the Acute Management of ICH Kate Reynolds, 03/08/1603/08/16, Podcasts, brain, chicago, Haemorrhage, hemorrhage, ich, intracerebral, knight, neuro, smacc, smaccbrain, stroke, 0
+ 10 Things you Need to Know about TBI by Knight Kate Reynolds, 09/12/1515/12/15, Emergency Medicine, ICN, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, brain injury, cerebral, CHI, chicago, closed head injury, edh, extradural, head injury, ich, intacranial hemorrhage, intracranial haemorrhage, monitoring, neuro, neurocritical, SDH, smacc, smaccus, tbi, trauma, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ Bloody Anticoagulants Oliver Flower, 02/09/1527/09/15, ICN, ICN Video, Video, anticoagulant-associated intracerebral haemorrhage, Apixaban, critical care, Dabigatran, Deep Venous Thrombosis, Eliquis, ich, icu, Neuro ICU, New Oral Anticoagulants, Pradaxa, Pulmonary Haemorrhage, Rivaroxaban, Xarelto, 0
+ Janin on Targets in Neuro-ICU Oliver Flower, 09/03/1412/05/14, ICN, ICU, Neuro, Podcasts, care, Haemorrhage, ich, intarcerebral, intensive, janin, neuro, neurosurgery, targets, 0
+ Targets in Neuro ICU by Janin Oliver Flower, 09/03/1405/08/14, BCC, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Neuro, Podcasts, blood, ich, icu, janin, management, pierre, pressure, targets, 0
+ 1: Acute Management of Intracerebral Haemorrhage Oliver Flower, 30/04/1104/05/14, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Neuro, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, acute, bleeding, coagulation, flower, Haemorrhage, hemorrhage, ich, intracerebral, neuro, neurosurgery, oli, resuscitation, 0