+ Fascinating neuro scans – classic CT brain pathology Kate Claringbould, 15/02/2006/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Neuro, SMACC19, anatomy, brain, CNS, CT, DAI, diffuse axonal injury, herniation syndromes, hydrocephalus, Hypertension, hypoxic brain injury, hypoxic ischaemic injury, ich, intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular haemorrhage, radiologist, Radiology, SDH, stroke, Subdural, sulci, tbi, traumatic brain injury, ventricles, 0
+ Clot retrieval for stroke in the extended time window Kate Claringbould, 06/02/2006/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Neuro, SMACC19, cva, ECR, endovascular clot retrieval, extended time, penumbra, stroke, Stroke thrombectomy, timing, 0
+ The latest on Tranexamic Acid TXA Kate Claringbould, 26/12/1904/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Clinical Critical Care, Adrenaline for Cardiac Arrest, bougie, cpr, critical care, emergency medicine, intubation, Mechanical CPR, OHCA, resuscitation, stroke, Stroke Ambulances, 0
+ Who should pull the trigger on tPA for acute ischemic stroke? by Rhonda Cadena smacc, 17/08/1816/08/18, dasSMACC, dassmacc, ischemic, stroke, 0
+ Stroke Emergency! Don’t Have a Stroke …. Kate Reynolds, 22/03/1720/03/17, Podcasts, endovascular, penumbra, revascularization, smaccdub, stent, stroke, thrombolysis, tPA, 0
+ Stroke thrombolysis – why are we still arguing? Oliver Flower, 01/11/1601/11/16, Uncategorized, controversy, cva, delaney, donaldson, emergency medicine, intensive care, ischaemic, neurology, stroke, thrombolysis, 0
+ Controversies in the Acute Management of ICH Kate Reynolds, 03/08/1603/08/16, Podcasts, brain, chicago, Haemorrhage, hemorrhage, ich, intracerebral, knight, neuro, smacc, smaccbrain, stroke, 0
+ Neuro Trauma Peak Distapan, 29/08/1510/09/15, ICN, ICN Video, Video, adult, anaemia/complications, anaemia/therapy, bradford, brain injury/complications, brain injury/therapy, celia, celia bradford, erythrocyte transfusion/adverse effects, Glasgow outcome score, KEYWORDS;traumatic brain injury, neuro-trauma, stroke, transfusion, trauma, traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage, vasospasm, 0
+ Flower: Prognostication of Neuro Disasters Grace Leo, 28/02/1401/05/14, ICN Activities, ICU, Neuro, Podcasts, Uncategorized, icu, neuro, neurocritical care, oli, oliver flower, prognostication, stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, 0
+ SMACC: FAULDER – Clot Retrieval and the Future of Stroke Grace Leo, 07/10/1329/05/14, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Neuro, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, SMACC1, clot, cva, faulder, inr, interventional, radiologist, Radiology, retrieval, stroke, thrombolysis, 0
+ SMACC: BRANNIGAN on Stroke Thrombolysis – Clot Busters Busted! Grace Leo, 05/10/1329/05/14, Emergency Medicine, ICU, Neuro, Prehospital, Resuscitation, SMACC 2013 Podcasts, brannigan, clot, cva, dogma, inr, ischaemia, neurology, stroke, thrombolysis, 2
+ 74. Cartner on Environmental Heat Stress Oliver Flower, 27/05/1330/04/14, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICU, Metabolic, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Prehospital, Resuscitation, bcc, bcc3, cartner, environmental, heat, stress, stroke, 0