+ Cutting Edge Cardiac Arrest Maria, 01/03/2026/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, SMACC19, cardiac arrest, ILCOR, protocol, vasopressors, 0
+ Drugs in cardiac arrest. Should we bother? Kate Claringbould, 05/01/2004/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Clinical Critical Care, adrenaline, cardiac arrest, cpr, epinephrine, ILCOR, Mechanical CPR, vasopressors, 0
+ Emergency Literature Hot updates Kate Claringbould, 23/12/1904/02/20, Clinical Crit Care, Clinical Critical Care, adrenaline, airways, Bystander CPR, cardiac arrest, critical care, emergency medicine, first responder, Literature review 2018, Paramedic 2 trial, Prehospital Medicine, Public response, resuscitation, 0
+ Traumatic cardiac arrest by Dr Adam Holyoak smacc, 29/08/1929/08/19, CICM ASM 2019, cardiac arrest, CICM ASM 2019, 0
+ SonoBYTE: Echo in Cardiac Arrest by Haney Mallemat smacc, 03/12/1822/01/19, dasSMACC, cardiac arrest, Echo, SonoBYTE, 0
+ We have ROSC. What next? smacc, 19/09/1819/09/18, CICM ASM 2018, cardiac arrest, CICM ASM 2018, ROSC, 0
+ Management of cardiac arrest post open heart surgery by Dr Sarah Yong smacc, 24/08/1824/08/18, CICM ASM 2018, cardiac arrest, open heart surgery, 0
+ Why Would You do ECPR? Oliver Flower, 28/10/1628/10/16, ECMO, Podcasts, 2cheer, cardiac arrest, cheer, cpr, ecmo, ecpr, evidence, learn ecmo, learnecmo, life support, mccanny, resuscitation, 0
+ Rethinking Adrenaline in Cardiac Arrest Kate Reynolds, 24/10/1625/10/16, Podcasts, adrenaline, aortic pressure, cardiac arrest, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, coronary perfusion pressure, endovascular, hemodynamics, return of spontaneous circulation, smaccdub, survival, vasoconstrictor, 0
+ Making ECPR Happen Kate Reynolds, 19/10/1618/10/16, Podcasts, cardiac arrest, cpr, ecmo, protocol development, resuscitation, simulation, smaccdub, teamwork, 0
+ Bernard- Refractory Cardiac Arrest Maurice Le Guen, 14/10/1619/10/16, Cardiac, ICN VIC, Prehospital, Resuscitation, Uncategorized, bernard, cardiac arrest, cpr, e-CPR, ecmo, icn victoria, 0
+ First, do no oxygen Kate Reynolds, 21/09/1601/09/16, Podcasts, cardiac arrest, oxygen, reperfusion, smaccdub, 0
+ Don’t Forget A and B! – Mike Winters Kate Reynolds, 09/03/1608/03/16, Airway, Podcasts, Resuscitation, SMACC Chicago, airways, cardiac arrest, cpr, defibrilation, Mick Winters, oxegenation, resuscitation, ventilation, 0
+ How we do ED– ECMO – Zack Shinar Kate Reynolds, 04/03/1601/03/16, Cardiac, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Chicago, cardiac arrest, ecmo, ed, Zack Shinar, 0
+ Johnston — Supersized patients, Supersized problems Oliver Flower, 03/07/1417/07/14, Podcasts, SMACC Gold, cardiac arrest, johnston, michelle, morbid, obesity, supersized, trauma, 0