+ Developing EM – Colombia, March 9-11 2020 Oliver Flower, 22/01/2022/01/20, Conferences, Conferences, cartagena, colombia, dem, developing EM, emergency, emergency medicine, 0
+ Developing EM 2018 in Fiji Oliver Flower, 12/04/1812/04/18, Conferences, Conferences, dem, developing emergency medicine, Fiji, 0
+ Epidemiology of patients with poor prognosis at ICU admission – prevalence, outcomes and resource use. smacc, 12/10/1717/10/17, About Us, CICM ASM 2017, Conferences, Core ICU, Podcasts, bala, Epidemiology, icu, Professor Bala Venkatesh, venkatesh, 0
+ Critical Care Reviewed Matthew Mac Partlin, 06/02/1506/02/15, Conferences, Conferences, Evidence, 1
+ Get Podcasts on Your Android Device Oliver Flower, 31/07/1431/07/14, BCC, Conferences, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, SMACC Gold, SMACC1, android, apple, download, ICN, ios, listen, phone, podcast, podcasts, smacc, 0
+ SMACC CHICAGO: reconnaissance mission Oliver Flower, 09/06/1415/12/16, Conferences, Conferences & Courses, ICN Activities, Podcasts, SMACC Chicago, arie, chicago, crown, jazz, photos, smacc, street, theatre, 2
+ Top 10 RCTs 2013 Podcast Kate Claringbould, 11/01/1430/04/14, Anaesthetics, Articles, journals and books, Conferences, Conferences, Conferences, Emergency Medicine, Evidence, ICN, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Promotion, Reviews, 10, care, criticalcarereviews.critical, evidence, macsweeney, nickson, podcast, rct, reviews, top, 0
+ Brave New Media Oliver Flower, 06/12/1310/05/14, Anaesthetics, Career, Conferences, Conferences, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICN Video, ICU, Miscellaneous, Neuro, Podcasts, Prehospital, Promotion, SMACC1, Video, brave, education, flower, FOAMed, ICN, media, new, oli, smacc, social, 0
+ Craig Hore on Trauma: CTA of the Neck and Thorax Grace Leo, 03/12/1330/04/14, Anaesthetics, Conferences, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICN Activities, ICU, Neuro, Podcasts, Trauma Podcasts, bcc4, bedside critical care conference, computed tomographic angiography, craig, cta, hore, ICN, icu, intensivist, neck, thorax, trauma, 0
+ 99. Levitan on Airways and SMACC Oliver Flower, 27/08/1306/06/14, Airway, Anaesthetics, Conferences, Conferences, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Promotion, airways, course, levitan, smacc, 0
+ 81. Developing EM, Cuba, 2013 Oliver Flower, 21/06/1330/04/14, Conferences, Conferences, Emergency Medicine, Podcasts, Promotion, cuba, dem, developing, emergency, Medicine, 0
+ 80. Bedside Critical Care Cairns 2013 Oliver Flower, 17/06/1330/04/14, Conferences, Conferences, ICN, Podcasts, Promotion, 2013, bcc, bcc4, bedside, cairns, care, critical, 0
+ 76. Rigg on ANZICS and the ASM 2013 Oliver Flower, 06/06/1330/04/14, Conferences, Conferences, ICN, ICU, Podcasts, Promotion, anzics, asm, conference, rigg, 0
+ 31. Chris Nickson on Free Open Access Meducation Oliver Flower, 05/10/1201/05/14, Anaesthetics, Conferences, Conferences, Education, Emergency Medicine, ICN, ICN Video, ICU, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Promotion, SMACC1, Video, access, dysfunction, education, erectile, foam, FOAMed, free, medical, meducation, nickson, open, 3
+ 30. A Summary of BCC3 with Roger Harris Oliver Flower, 05/10/1214/05/14, Conferences, Podcasts, bcc, bcc3, bedside, care, conference, critical, daydream, flower, harris, island, oli, roger, 0