+ Sepsis is not a disease Matthew Mac Partlin, 29/04/1616/08/16, Articles, journals and books, Fellowship Exam, Promotion, Research, Reviews, 3
+ Burns Day Jon Gatward, 08/10/1508/10/15, Conferences & Courses, Event, Exam Resources, Fellowship Exam, General Crit Care, ICN NSW, Promotion, Regional Networks, Simulation, Airway, burn care, burns, critical care, hot case, ICN, intensive care, microbiology, resuscitation, sepsis, simulation, 0
+ The Sydney Short Course in Intensive Care Medicine – June 2015 Matthew Mac Partlin, 10/04/1511/04/15, Course, Fellowship Exam, 0
+ Ebola: The ICN Guide Oliver Flower, 08/09/1408/09/14, CICM - Paediatrics, Fellowship Exam, Medicine, Africa, disease, ebola, guide, infective, virus, 0
+ Sydney Written Course for the CICM Fellowship – February 2015 Matthew Mac Partlin, 13/08/1413/08/14, Conferences, Conferences, Courses, Fellowship Exam, 0
+ The Canberra ICU Course 2014 Matthew Mac Partlin, 14/07/1417/07/14, Conferences, Fellowship Exam, Canberra ICU Course, ICU fellowship, 0
+ The Canberra ICU Course Oliver Flower, 05/06/1405/06/14, Conferences & Courses, Exam Resources, Fellowship Exam, Promotion, canberra, course, icu, 0
+ The Statistics of Diagnostic Tests Matthew Mac Partlin, 19/05/1420/05/14, Evidence, EXPLAINED, Fellowship Exam, Primary Exam, Semantic sMatter, false negative, false positive, likelihood ratio, negative predictive value, positive predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, statistics, type 1 error, type 2 error, 0
+ Strategies for tackling the CICM fellowship written exam Matthew Mac Partlin, 19/06/1219/06/12, Fellowship Exam, 0
+ Topics to consider for the CICM General Fellowship 2012 Matthew Mac Partlin, 18/01/1218/01/12, Fellowship Exam, 0